Our Mouldshop

Active Plastics has nine PLC computer controlled plastic injection moulding machines, ranging from 50 to 550 ton as well as hi-tech drying equipment to maximise the physical properties of the plastic being engineered.

We stock a range of exotic plastic engineering grades that few others in New Zealand are able to mould, such as carbon fibre plastics used in the aerospace industry. These polymers are very lightweight, very strong and are chemically resistant.

We mould your plastic component and inspect them to ensure they meet your specifications, we also pack and ship your products to your clients directly. 


Our capabilities 

550 Tonne Moulding Machine
220 Tonne Moulding Machine
180 Tonne Moulding Machines
130 Tonne Moulding Machines
50 Tonne Moulding Machines. 
Ultrasonic welding capabilities
Post mould finishing and assembly
Custom packing and distribution